Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Study Finds Dual Eligibles Denied Access To Psychiatric Drugs Under Medicare Part D, Other Problems

"Medication Access and Continuity: The Experiences of Dual-Eligible Psychiatric Patients During the First 4 Months of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit," American Journal of Psychiatry: For the study, Joyce West of the American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education and colleagues examined access to psychiatric medications under Medicare Part D for dual eligibles -- beneficiaries who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid -- and found that some experience significant problems receiving drugs. More than 30% of dual eligibles were denied medication refills, more than 22% had interrupted or discontinued access to medication and many beneficiaries had their medications changed regardless of whether their condition was stable. The authors concluded that these access difficulties led to suicide, hospitalizations and homelessness, prompting mental health advocates, such as the American Psychiatric Association, to push for the drug plans to follow CMS guidelines (American Psychiatric Association release, 5/1).

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