Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Book Challenges Current Thinking On Depression And Finds Advantages In The Condition

Tom Wootton, author of The Bipolar Advantage, has just announced the release of his second book, The Depression Advantage, a stirring and sometimes controversial look at the depressive condition and its potential benefits for depressed people.

Mr. Wootton is the founder of Bipolar Advantage: A company dedicated to spreading the message that people with mental conditions can lead full and productive lives. His books can be purchased at:

The Depression Advantage is an audacious departure from the accepted doctrine and canon of literature on depression. The book celebrates the advantages of spiritual, personal and social growth possible through the experience of depressed states and challenges current thinking on depression treatment.

Drawing from historical and literary examples ranging from the lives of the Saints to Buddhist parables to pop culture heroes like the X-Men, The Depression Advantage demonstrates that physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain can be a catalyst for personal growth and transcendent understanding.

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