Monday, July 2, 2007

Poison into Medicine

from Gerald Butler

June 30, 2007

Poison into medicine

I am so encouraged by the optimistic responses to the last Peer 2 Peer that I am certain there is some sort of positive energy and hope flowing throughout the recovering community.

Someone who has never been in an airplane cannot command the Space Shuttle, though he may be world renowned a male cancer surgeon would be in unfamiliar territory at a ‘Breast Cancer Survivors’ support group meeting, a person who has never taken a drink or done drugs is incapable of running a NA or AA meeting. These same principals apply to us, and we must take pride in the fact that we have been where we have been and have chosen to help others. All that pain and suffering we went through was a valuable education and we paid dearly for it. Through ‘Peer Support’ we have the opportunity to turn all of that poison into medicine and help heal others who are where we used to be. As Peers, we do what we do from the heart and that makes us ‘Golden’ in the eyes of God.

In the last letter I stressed the importance of staying on a positive level, and some of you asked ‘How can I stay positive when I work around negative people? First we must clear our hearts and souls of low self esteem, animosity and/or anger, envy, insensitivity, and all the other negative emotions. Then we must put on our spiritual armor, hold our heads high, and walk proudly because through our suffering dues to humanity have been paid. Now it is time to collect our just rewards of respect, honor, truth, and dignity. Take for instance the soldier who is rescued at the last moment from what was certain death and is returned to safety. When that soldier says ‘I must go back and help save my brothers’, he/she is honored as a war hero. True ‘Peers Supporters’ do the exact same thing and that is what makes you Golden. You must appreciate yourself so that you may show others how to gain self esteem.

I have never watched an episode of Star Wars but from my understanding, Luke Skywalker had the ‘FORCE’ on his side, he just had to learn how to utilize it. Chakras, Great Spirit, The Holy Ghost, are some of the religious based concepts referring to some sort of higher power. The common theme is: one must go through ordeals to achieve a higher level of existence. You have been through your ‘Trails & Tribulations’ and as a result you view life from more of a spiritual position. . Keep your heart clean and clear of negativity, turning it over to him/her who handles that sort of thing. Walk in honor that you have garnered through suffering, and do not step down into negative situations, or let negative people pierce your armor. Do unto yourself as you do unto others. Mostly, remember you are golden.

Gerald Butler


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