Friday, April 11, 2008

Paving New Ground

Peers Working in In-Patient Settings:

This is a PDF manual, about 1 Mb in size.

Psychiatric hospitals and state institutions have become increasingly aware of the development of peer specialist roles in inpatient settings and are showing an interest in establishing similar positions in their facilities. Roles for peers, once more common in outpatient settings, are now being created in inpatient settings. Despite the increase many hospitals are uncertain about how to establish and make the best use of these unique positions.
While recognizing there is no one correct way, this “lessons learned” guidebook will identify and highlight some of the hospitals in the country that have been most successful. Through the use of stories and narratives, we will go on a journey to learn about the average day of peer specialists, their special challenges and rewards, and what they most value in their positions. We will also meet their supervisors and hospital/institutional administrators. Whenever possible we went on site to meet personally with the individuals interviewed but since this was not possible in all cases, some interviews took place over the phone.
Learning through experience is the best way to learn. This guidebook will help us appreciate what is possible and to help other hospitals and peers envision and actuate their own futures.
This is no ordinary adventure; it is often spectacular to see what persons in recovery from mental illnesses can do!

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