Monday, March 22, 2010

Recovery Council Two

Several great recovery stories. Mike head talked about the passage of the Health Care Reform bills. Expansion of Medicaid availability is one. Bad news is that the Senate cut 20% of General Fund dollars from the proposed budget. There is a hearing today in Detroit on the cut. There seems to be energy for finishing the budget early, but there has been no real effort to solve revenue issues. Caretaker relatives and 18-19 year olds have been removed from the Medicaid options. Small Board administration will likely go as well as CMH's are integrated into PIHPs. The physician tax will likely not go through. Stimulus will be extended into 2011, so that will help. PIHPs will be held accountable for assuring that each Medicaid beneficiary has the same expectation for services regardless of location. Mike has become at least a temporary Spartan fan.

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