From MindFreedom:
You can now watch a free five-minute web video of an electroshock
survivor and his allies speak out against his ongoing forced
Ray Sandford lives in a group home out in a community just north of
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Every three weeks he is woken up early, and
under court order brought 15 miles north to Mercy Hospital for a
forced electroshock under court order.
Ray has had more than 40 forced electroshocks so far.
Ray's next scheduled forced electroshock is Wednesday, 25 March 2009....
You may watch the video in any of these three places:
*** Indy Media web site -- which includes IndyMedia news release, and
personal statement by mental health advocate Daryl Trones:
*** On YouTube, where you can add public support comments: v=2fJpvNHqXm0
*** On this MindFreedom web site: shield/ray/ray-video
For More...

You can now watch a free five-minute web video of an electroshock
survivor and his allies speak out against his ongoing forced
Ray Sandford lives in a group home out in a community just north of
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Every three weeks he is woken up early, and
under court order brought 15 miles north to Mercy Hospital for a
forced electroshock under court order.
Ray has had more than 40 forced electroshocks so far.
Ray's next scheduled forced electroshock is Wednesday, 25 March 2009....
You may watch the video in any of these three places:
*** Indy Media web site -- which includes IndyMedia news release, and
personal statement by mental health advocate Daryl Trones:
*** On YouTube, where you can add public support comments:
*** On this MindFreedom web site:
For More...

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