Some of you may already know that we recently moved into the Russell Industrial Center & Bazaar and are proud to be members of a vibrant, artistic community. What is amazing is how many doors have been opened to us in the short amount of time we have been there. The ‘Recovery Band’ has played for the Georgia Street Urban Farms; we are working with the Kindergarten Drum Corp and Indie Edibles on an urban farming promotional video, and we did a demo CD with Tapwater Productions.
We have met artists (visual, glass blowers, dance, candle makers, poets, and more) on a daily basis, and most of them are interested in our efforts. The Recovery Band is collaborating with these artists. To date we have provided music for some of their events and promotions. In exchange they are giving our consumers a view of the art world. We are doing our part to fight against stigma by demonstrating how folks in recovery are quite capable of giving back to and being an integral part of society.
We are changing the television image of mental illness and learning to enjoy recovery by realizing our potential. We believe that if a person truly wants recovery, help and guidance should be readily available. Regardless of his or her status in life each person has some unique qualities. A major part of ones recovery journey is the development of these talents. When a leader in the system says ‘I understand your pain’ it goes a long way toward improving one’s self- esteem. Those of us lucky enough to have had such understanding leaders in our lives, have a duty to pass it on.
I have been talking about an upcoming event called “Springs Eternal” in which artists from all over the State will gather at the Russell Street Center. They are asking for artistic folks from the recovering community to participate.
Stepping Up
The Next Step Clubhouse (Hegira Programs Inc) is a psychosocial rehabilitation program for persons whose lives have been disrupted by serious and persistent mental illness. The program is designed to strengthen member’s ability to function in the community and reduce the need for psychiatric hospitalization. STEP utilizes ‘work units’, (clerical, members services food services, and job coaching) for those interested in employment.
Indie Edibles is a community organization advocating “Urban Farming- from seed to the table”. As hosts of the event, they have asked the band to provide music and poetry will artists paint murals on the 4th floor of the Center. The event is scheduled for the 16th of this month, at 8:00 PM. However, special arrangements are in the works to enable consumers to do their artistry during the day hours. In the future when the final production is on display, the recovering community will be proudly represented.
This is short notice, but when opportunity knocks we should answer. The members of Next Step Clubhouse are in need of art supplies to participate in this event. If you can help in anyway possible, please contact the Clubhouse at (313-564-2200) 1403 Inkster Rd. Inkster Mi. 48141. You may also contact Karen Mahler at mahler.Karen@gmail.com
We thank the leaders of Detroit Wayne County CMH for letting us be participants in their community collaboration and outreach initiatives. And finally, Empowerment Day 2009 ‘Leaders in Our Lives’ is scheduled for June 11th, at the Burton Manor. For more details contact D-WCCMHA / Customer Services. This is going to be a really cool summer.
Gerald Butler