Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Reflections of Self: Self-Care, Healing the Healer | A Soldier's Perspective


I have been battling my demons and have an intimate understanding of an overwhelmed and heavily burden soul. I have to constantly remind myself take my time, no hurry here in the journey of healing. I thought I was literally crazy until my education on my malady gave me a sense of normalcy. I learned about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and found that I was not alone in this “inner world,” I was able to begin building a foundation on which I could begin to face my inner demons. In educating myself I had finally discovered my particular pathology and that I could watch for triggers, use newly found coping skills and find a way to express my inner torment without self destructing……

Reflections of Self: Self-Care, Healing the Healer | A Soldier's Perspective

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