Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On what to do with moods « Hopeworks Community


Moods are processes– not events.  They have a coming and a going.  They have a beginning and ending.  Depending on where you are with the mood there are basically 3 things you can do:

  1. Prevention-  Things are either less likely or more likely to happen.  Moods, although they may feel like it, don’t,  for the most part, just come out of the blue……..
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On what to do with moods « Hopeworks Community

1 comment:

Wendy Love said...

I agree that moods do not come out of nowhere. For me, fatigue is my biggest mood swinger and so, my recovery means constantly being vigilant of the amount of activity I engage in and the kinds of activity. It seems that for me, people exhaust me and so too much 'peoplizing' will bring me down. When I am able to control these factors, I can pretty much control my moods as well. This is such a good point.
Wendy Love